Thursday, November 02, 2006

Xalapa, Mexico, Canzine, Marcil Review, Mailing List, Festivals and more!

Dearest ones,

It's getting cold outside and it's time for us to hudle together and wrap ourselves in fuzzy seaters and long underwear- a Canadian kind of sexy.

Down south in balmy Xalapa, Mexico, my partner Keykode is presenting a program of Canadian films including my own video Lyric for Our Home Song (video sketch). If you are in Xalapa, you should go check it out. Otherwise, I will be releasing my two tea related films in the Distroboto eventually.

I was in Toronto for Canzine last week selling Lickety Split and had the pleasure of finally meeting Lickety Split's web designer Sean in person. Then I promptly asked him to do table duty while I snagged some grilled cheese upstairs. There was a lovely review in Broken Pencil of LS #3 as well as an excerpt of the story by Tom Fennario from that same issue. Check back for updates on the press page.

Also, the Marcil Review, a new PDF-based APA I am a part of, released it's first issue for Fall 2006. If you would like to download the free copy, e-mail me your address and I will send it to you. a (at) licketysplitzine (dot) com

Do check out the submission guidelines for the Daughters of Joy! Film and Video Festival to be inaugurated at the next Lickety Split launch in February.

To join the Lickety Split Mailing list, e-mail me your e-mail address and I will add you poste-haste.

We have a calendar on the LS website, but another calendar you should check out is on the Calendar Page for hip happenings all over Montreal and beyond!

...and finally, Worn Fashion Journal is launching in NYC this weekend so check her out!


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