Monday, August 18, 2008

Free (or almost free ) porn!

Hi folks,

Start your week off right with some decent porn sites! Now, I'm not including a bunch of sites of individual amateur porn stars, rather some general and awesome ones. Like Sharing is Sexy, from our last issue, who say:

"In looking at most mainstream porn, we don't see ourselves and our friends. In response, we are creating the porn that we want to see. In our project, we are sharing our bodies with you willingly. We're in control, do not change the channel. Our collective practices consensus. Everyone has an equal voice in what we do and how we do it. We are examining the question of open source porn while respecting the work of sex workers. We're in this to create change."

Also, check out No Faux, a fave of many Lickety Split-sters:

...and for tons of porn for all appetites and attitudes, there's always

LS xxx

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